Thursday, December 6, 2018

NC-17 by Larissa Reinhart | Blog Tour with Review and Giveaway

The Blurb

A missing YouTube star. A bank heist gone wrong. A mysterious health retreat for celebrities. Too many ex-fiancés. A growing body count. Oh… and possibly Bigfoot. Just another week in the life of Maizie Albright, Star Detective.

#StillDetectiveing  As an ex-star of a hit teen detective show, Maizie Albright gets the youth demographic. Or so she thought. Now that she’s adulting, today’s kids make Maizie feel out of date. At least the youth she meets while doing community service at Black Pine’s exclusive healing resort, the Wellspring Center. When these teens aren’t vlogging their attempts to track down Bigfoot, they’re trying to prove the Center is up to no good. Starting with the disappearance and possible murder of their not-as-young commander. A murder the police find as likely as Bigfoot.

Maizie has her own suspicions about the new celebrity retreat. Particularly when she learns her ex-fiancé has been hired to run the Center. Kind of an issue when she thought Oliver was in prison. Kind of an issue when Nash, the man of her dreams, is out of commission.

Wait, not man of her dreams.
Boss of her fantasies. Professionally speaking, of course.

While Maizie’s helping adolescent YouTubers detect a disappearance, she’s wrangling her mother’s wedding, assuaging an overzealous probation officer, and struggling to keep Nash Security Solutions solvent. Conspiracy theories collide with real-life catastrophes beginning with murder and possibly ending with Maizie’s life.

NC-17, A Maizie Albright Laugh-Out-Loud Romantic Comedy Mystery 
By Larissa Reinhart
Series: Maizie Albright Star Detective #3
Genre: Cozy Mystery, Women's Detective Fiction
Publication Date: December 4, 2018
Publisher: Past Perfect Press
Paperback: 370 pages
ISBN13: 978-1732351660
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The Review

I just finished THE BEST book, y'all — NC-17 by Larissa Reinhart, Maizie Albright Star Detective Mysteries #3. Let me tell you about it.

Author Larissa Reinhart hit all the boxes when she wrote NC-17. The well-written characters are realistic and believable. Many are zany or quirky as well. The dialogue is witty, snappy, snarky, and hilarious. The plot threads are woven together into an unexpected and satisfying conclusion. The entertaining story drew me in instantly, and kept me enthralled all the way through. I love the ending. The very last scene is a teaser for Book Four, 18 Caliber, and I can't wait to read it!

Maizie is such a great character! I just love reading about her. She's grown so much since her first book, 15 MinutesInitially, her boss and mentor Wyatt Nash, of Nash Security Solutions, didn't want her to do anything except secretarial stuff. That was quite frustrating for Maizie, because she was supposed to be interning for two years, so she could get her PI license. Maizie was (somewhat reluctantly) included in the firm's investigations in 15 Minutes and 16 Millimeters. Maizie now finds herself running the office in NC-17, after Nash is comatose following an accident.  Nash is still the male lead, even though he's out of his coma for only part of the book. When he regains consciousness, he more than makes up for his time in the coma! They are my favorite characters in NC-17.

I enjoyed seeing how well Maizie handled being in charge. She visits Nash in the hospital, and talks to him since that's supposed to be good for comatose patients. She talks to him about the new case she's working on, the missing YouTuber. It doesn't matter that he's unresponsive.
Nash often used silence to convey his feelings. It was almost like we were having a regular Maizie-Nash confab.
Maizie also talks to Black Pine Police Detective Ian Mowry about her case.
"The teens and I were trying to trace Chandler's path that night through the woods—"
"On Black Pine Mountain?" He skewed his lips to the side. "Did their parents know they were on the mountain?"
"They filled out my  permission slips—"
Sighing, he mopped his face with his hands. "Lord love you, Maizie, but merciful heavens, you're a hot mess."
"I tried to warn you."

It's fun reading about Maizie's sessions with her new (and wacky) therapist, Dr Trident (quite a change from ex-therapist Renata). His counseling consists of "repeat after me" mantras, "selfie therapy," #hashtags, and quotes from other people.
• "I'm supposed to selfie, so I can 'see incremental improvements in my emotional state' that will 'manifest in my features.' Selfie therapy. Who knew? Except my phone was stolen."
• "...he's had a traumatic brain injury. He needs peace and calm, and let's face it, I'm a hot mess."
"You'll never find peace of mind until you listen to your heart."
..."Thank you," I said. "That was the best thing you could have ever told me. Not to insult you, but that was the sort of thing I got from Renata, my ex-therapist."
"No need to thank me. I was quoting George Michael." 
"The singer?"
"Of course." Dr. Trident held up his phone. "Selfie?"

Both of Maizie's ex-fiancés, Oliver and Giulio, show up during NC-17. Oliver is the one whose felonious deeds caused Maizie to be on probation, so she's still peeved with him. She's also confused, because he should still be in prison, but she learns he's been pardoned and has been hired to manage the Wellspring Center.  #ReallyPeeved  Giulio is the one who was hired to be on her reality show All is Albright, and also hired to become her fiancé. She didn't realize that at the time; she thought it was for real. Now Giulio is engaged to Maizie's manager Vicki — who is also her mother.  #ReallyReallyPeeved

My favorite supporting characters are Maizie's besties, Rhonda and Tiffany. They are still sassy, and generous to a fault, willing to help Maizie with her investigating. And they don't mind pointing out Maizie's faults, when necessary.  #JustKeepingItReal  Tiffany and Rhonda understand "...what friends were for. Venting and dishing snarky comments about your exes." I love the scene in LA HAIR, when Rhonda and Tiffany help Maizie evade... ooops, spoiler, can't tell you that.

I can tell you that Maizie is up to her old technique of channeling her former TV roles as Julia Pinkerton, Teen Detective and Kung Fu Kate. This is especially effective in the exciting climax. I wish I could give you the details, but Maizie swore me to secrecy. I love that part, and also the #HereIComeToSaveTheDay scene. There are so many other scenes that I love also, but I can't tell you about them because they're spoilery, so I shall stop.

NC-17 is simply fabulous. Fans of cozy mysteries, southern chick lit, hick lit, crime capers, and humorous mysteries will love it. NC-17 will have special appeal to fans of the Cherry Tucker Mystery series, the Finley Goodhart Crime Caper series, and the Davis Way Crime Caper series. 

I absolutely love NC-17 by Larissa Reinhart, and bestow upon it the utmost honor of Five Kitties! 

Five out of five kitties
Note: I received a complimentary copy of NC-17,
and voluntarily reviewed it. All opinions shared are 100% my own.

Be sure to watch! In the credits, in addition to Larissa Reinhart you'll also find.... Cherry Tucker: Production Designer and Costume Designer. Maizie Albright: Casting. Vicki Albright: Executive Producer.

The Author

About Larissa Reinhart

Wall Street Journal bestselling and award-winning author, Larissa Reinhart writes humorous mysteries and romantic comedies including the critically acclaimed Maizie Albright Star Detective, Cherry Tucker Mystery, and Finley Goodhart Crime Caper series. Her works have been chosen as book club picks by Woman’s World Magazine and Hot Mystery Reviews

Larissa's family and Cairn Terrier, Biscuit, had been living in Nagoya, Japan, but once again call Georgia home. See them on HGTV’s House Hunters International “Living for the Weekend in Nagoya” episode. Visit her website,, and join her newsletter for a free short story. Find her chatting on Facebook, Instagram, and Goodreads, or join her Facebook street team, The Mystery Minions.

The Giveaway

Follow the tour, to read other reviews, plus Guest Posts and  Author Interviews!


December 3 – The Book Diva's Reads – RECIPE, SPOTLIGHT

December 4 – Community Bookstop – REVIEW

December 4 – Cozy Up With Kathy - CHARACTER GUEST POST

December 5 – I'm All About Books – SPOTLIGHT

December 5 – Island Confidential – SPOTLIGHT

December 6 – The Pulp and Mystery Shelf – GUEST POST

December 6 – Jane Reads – REVIEW

December 6 – MJB Reviewers – AUTHOR INTERVIEW

December 7 – Mallory Heart's Cozies – REVIEW

December 7 – Babs Book Bistro – SPOTLIGHT

December 7 – My Reading Journeys – SPOTLIGHT

December 8 – Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book – AUTHOR INTERVIEW*

December 8 – Socrates' Book Reviews – SPOTLIGHT

December 9 – Brooke Blogs – SPOTLIGHT

December 10 – Ruff Drafts – SPOTLIGHT

December 10 – Devilishly Delicious Book Reviews – REVIEW

December 11 – Varietats – REVIEW

December 11 – Readeropolis – RECIPE, SPOTLIGHT

December 12 – Celticlady's Reviews – SPOTLIGHT

December 12 – Laura's Interests - REVIEW

December 13 – Girl with Book Lungs – REVIEW

December 13 – Mysteries with Character – GUEST POST

December 14 – Christa Reads and Writes – REVIEW

December 14 – Handcrafted Reviews – SPOTLIGHT

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