Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Dark Corner by Vicki Vass | Blog Tour with Review, Guest Post, and Giveaway

The Blurb

Evil has awoken in Asheville, North Carolina, and Terra Rowan must prepare the Ladies of the Biltmore Society for battle. With her familiar, Pixel, a crooked leg fluffy orange cat, and her apprentice Abigail Oakhaven, a stubborn teenage girl with a bloodline dating back to the beginning of time, she begins their journey. The witch hunters have come to the Appalachian Mountains in search of the last witch of Salem. The magic of the mountains can no longer protect her and her coven. She must travel to the one place on earth that holds the secret to save mankind — Dark Corner.

Combining elements from different cultures, Appalachian folklore, Celtic legends, Native American mysticism, Dark Corner continues its new witch mythology while staying true to the realm of cozy mystery.

Terra Rowan is a witch trapped between worlds and lost in time.

Dark Corner by Vicki Vass
Series: A Witch Cat Mystery, #2
Genre: Cozy Paranormal Mystery
Publisher: Tedeschi Publishing
Publication Date: October 9, 2018
Paperback: 190 pages
ISBN-10: 0998989363
ISBN-13: 978-0998989365
ASIN: B07J4P2521
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The Review

I just read a really good book, y'all — Dark Corner by Vicki Vass. Let me tell you a little about this paranormal cozy mystery, Book Two in the Witch Cat Mystery series. Dark Corner is a continuation of the story begun in Bloodline (Book One) and, as such, should not be read as a standalone. 

Bloodline tells how the Ladies of the Biltmore Society become a coven of Wiccan, how Abigail becomes a witch, and how a witch cat acquires a cat familiar — important background information for the readers of Dark CornerUsing her outstanding world-building and character development, Author Vicki Vass created an impressive paranormal mythology in Bloodline, and expands upon it in Dark Corner

This entertaining tale drew me in right away. I love the setting of Dark Corner  Asheville, North Carolina and the surrounding area. The descriptions of real places, such as Biltmore House, Biltmore Village, and Montford, are detailed and accurate. 

The imaginative and fast-moving plot is full of action, ranging from humorous and poignant, to mysterious, eerie, and evil.
  • Humorous
    • Terra finally teaches Abigail how to fly on a broomstick
    • Abigail researches how to be a witch — by binge-watching Bewitched!
  • Poignant
    • Beatrice and Albert — together, and yet not together
    • Many sad goodbyes, throughout Dark Corner
  • Mysterious
    • Pixel is undergoing changes. What's up with that?
    • And what's up with Flutter?
  • Eerie
    • Karen Owen, a witches' apothecary, who trades her wares for costs other than money
    • The otherworldly rocking chair man who accompanies Mrs Owen
  • Evil
    • The rising darkness
    • The plague of locusts
    • The kudzu attack
    • The Lieutenant
    • The hellhounds
The climax of Dark Corner is the thrilling final battle, with some surprising twists. The Epilogue is very cozy and made me smile, with its teaser for Book Three, The Witch's Apprentice.
    I recommend Dark Corner to all fans of cozy paranormal mysteries. I think it will have special appeal to readers who are fans of the Perfectly Proper Paranormal Museum Mysteries and of Author Vicki Vass's other books.

    I really enjoyed Dark Corner by Vicki Vass, and grant it Four Kitties!

    Four out of five kitties
     Note:  I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of Dark Corner.  
    All opinions shared are 100% my own.

    The Character Guest Post

    There is a definite chill in the air, and I am more inclined to sit by the fire, sipping tea and reading a good book. Oh, allow me to introduce myself  my name is Beatrice Twiggs. I own the Leaf & Page, a cozy tea/bookshop nestled in quaint Biltmore Village in Asheville, North Carolina.

    While I now call Asheville home, I am not from here originally. My husband, Albert, and I first came to Asheville on our honeymoon, enjoying the mountain breeze, festive atmosphere and of course visiting the Biltmore Estate. It gave me a fondness for this place and after Albert left this world and me, I returned to Asheville. 

    My intention was to retire but I am not one to sit still. I opened my shop and immediately fell in with a group of ladies known near and far as the Ladies of the Biltmore Society. Their mission to preserve Biltmore Estate, its environ and Asheville. Their particular focus was on the flora and fauna located on the massive estate grounds. 

    At my shop, I collect rare books related to the Biltmore estate, Asheville and its prominent residents. I also specialize in sourcing books related to mysticism, healing and Wicca. With its unique setting and surrounded by the ancient Blue Ridge Mountains, Asheville is a mecca for witches and wiccans alike. I have found the community quite welcoming. I have always had a history with the occult and am thankful for it as it allows me to communicate with my dear Albert. 

    Besides my dear friends in the Biltmore Society, I have made numerous other friends including Abigail, an 18-year-old girl who journeyed here on her way to somewhere else. Without children of my own, I look to Abigail as the daughter I always wanted. She is a slightly impulsive but she is a dear. I have taken her into my home along with her feline companions, Terra and Pixel. I seem to attract strays from feeding them every morning to sharing my home with Abigail. 

    The ladies and I recently helped defeat a darkness that descended over the town, and all seems calm for now. I can focus on testing new recipes for my small café. I make the most delicious scones and must I mention my blueberry muffins. Pixel thinks they are out of this world. I only serve breakfast items and have thought about expanding to lunch but my afternoons are spent experimenting with new herbal combinations for tea and sourcing rare books. Rare books sends a chill down my spine — I always tingle when I encounter one. 

    The tingle stays a little longer. It seems that darkness is descending upon us again. The Ladies and I will be called upon to combat it. We will have to put every ounce of what we’ve learned over the past year to fight. This tale is told in the newly released book, Dark Corner, book 2 in the Witch Cat Mysteries. I hope you find our tale delightful. 

    The Author

    About Vicki Vass

    Vicki Vass traded in her reporter’s notebook to pursue her passion of writing cozy mysteries. Her Antique Hunter series was a finalist in the 2016 Mystery & Mayhem contest. Bloodline is the first book in the Witch Cat Mystery series.

    Vicki has written more than 1,400 stories for the Chicago Tribune as well as other commercial publications including Home & Away, the Lutheran and Woman’s World. Her science fiction novel, The Lexicon, draws on her experience in Sudan while writing about the ongoing civil war for World Relief.

    She lives in the Chicago area with her husband, writer and musician Brian Tedeschi, son Tony, Australian shepherd Bandit, kittens Terra and Pixel, seven koi, and Gary the turtle.

    Find Vicki on the web at

    The Giveaway

    Follow the tour, to read other Reviews and Guest Posts plus Interviews.


    November 19 – Babs Book Bistro – SPOTLIGHT

    November 20 – Jane Reads - REVIEW, CHARACTER GUEST POST

    November 21 – Melissa's Eclectic Bookshelf – GUEST POST

    November 22 – THANKSGIVING U.S. - OFF

    November 23 – A Wytch's Book Review Blog – CHARACTER INTERVIEW

    November 24 – A Holland Reads – SPOTLIGHT

    November 25 – Laura's Interests – REVIEW

    November 25 – Carole's Book Corner – SPOTLIGHT

    November 26 – T's Stuff – SPOTLIGHT

    November 26 - Socrates' Book Reviews – SPOTLIGHT

    November 27 – Book Babble – REVIEW

    November 27 – I'm All About Books – SPOTLIGHT

    November 28 – Books a Plenty Book Reviews – REVIEW, GUEST POST

    November 28 – Paranormal and Romantic Suspense Reviews – SPOTLIGHT

    November 29 – Brooke Blogs – GUEST POST

    November 29 – MJB Reviewers – AUTHOR INTERVIEW

    November 30 – Mallory Heart's Cozies - REVIEW, CHARACTER GUEST POST

    November 30 – Sneaky the Library Cat's Blog – CHARACTER INTERVIEW

    December 1 – Celticlady's Reviews – SPOTLIGHT

    December 1 – Varietats – REVIEW, CHARACTER GUEST POST

    December 2 – Readeropolis – CHARACTER INTERVIEW

    December 3 – The Pulp and Mystery Shelf – AUTHOR INTERVIEW

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