The Socialite's Guide to Death and Dating (A Pinnacle Hotel Mystery)
by S. K. Golden
About The Socialite's Guide to Death and Dating
The Socialite's Guide to Death and Dating (A Pinnacle Hotel Mystery)
Historical Cozy Mystery
2nd in Series
Setting - 1958 New York City
Crooked Lane Books (October 10, 2023)
Hardcover : 336 pages
ISBN-10 : 1639104852
ISBN-13 : 978-1639104857
Digital ASIN : B0BS2SG88V

Perfect for fans of Rhys Bowen and Ashley Weaver, the second Pinnacle Hotel mystery finds another murder that strikes too close to home, and hotel heiress Evelyn Murphy knows she’s the only one who can save the hotel before it’s lights out.
New York, 1958. Even though Evelyn Murphy has made progress conquering her agoraphobia by leaving the Pinnacle, she still feels most comfortable in her father's hotel. With Malcolm Cooper, her new boyfriend and fellow employee at the hotel, Evelyn feels prepared for whatever happens next. In this case, it’s throwing a big fundraiser with the who’s who of New York City.
The night is a success, and Evelyn finally takes up Malcolm’s offer to visit his apartment in Yonkers. As the party ends, they sneak away to the garage to get Evelyn's car. But Evelyn's always been good at finding things, and she discovers the dead body of a guest, Judge Baker, in a car — with a needle in his arm.
Detective Hodgson and his new partner, Detective McJimsey, arrive on the scene, but before they can begin to question Evelyn, they are startled by another mysterious discovery: there’s a woman in the trunk of the car, and she screams as soon as she sees Evelyn’s face. Tangled up in the police investigation, Evelyn’s got another problem, too — her father insists she break off her relationship with Mac. The next day, her father is found attacked just like the judge, only this time the detectives find a dead woman nearby.
With Mac accused of the attacks and in police custody, Evelyn will have to find the killer on her own before she’s checked out of the hotel — this time, for good.
About the Character Interview
What is your full name? Do you have a nickname? Evelyn Elizabeth Grace Murphy.
What is your occupation? Are you any good at it? I am the official party planner at the Pinnacle Hotel. I am wonderful at party planning because I am detail oriented and I live there, at the hotel. So, I’m always around to handle any issue that might come up!
When you’re not working, what fills your time? My little Pomeranian Presley, of course. Lunch with my friends. My very best friend is Henry Fox, you might’ve heard of him. He’s a movie star and a Broadway sensation. And, occasionally, solving murders. You’d be surprised how many people have been killed at the Pinnacle lately. Oh, but don’t let that stop you from visiting! Most of the time it’s a perfectly safe place!
What is your favorite childhood memory? Dressing up in my mother’s clothes. They were always too big for me, of course, but she let me try on anything I wanted, and often styled the outfits herself, giant hat and all.
What advice would you give to your younger self? It’s okay to ask for help.
What is the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you? A countess outran me once. I tripped and landed on my knees in front of a lot of people. In my defense, I was wearing heels, and she has a very sharp elbow.
What is your greatest achievement? I solved a murder that had taken place in my own hotel a few weeks ago. I think I might have a knack for this sleuthing business, no matter what Detective Hodgson might say.
What makes you laugh? My dog Presley is always good for cheering me up. And I Love Lucy. She is hilarious!
What is your greatest extravagance? I love to sleep in Chanel Number 5, just like Marilyn Monroe.
What are your pet peeves? I don’t like when guests treat staff members poorly.
Tell us something about yourself that no one else knows. I went through a fairly rebellious streak when I was younger and, one of the ways in which I acted out and haven’t faced any repercussions for as of yet, was booby trapping the thirteenth room on the thirteenth floor so everyone would think it was haunted. It remains the only room in the hotel that isn’t allotted to guests.
What is always in your fridge? My father’s favorite meal in the whole world is tuna noodle casserole and I have absolutely no idea why. But I always make sure to have the ingredients on hand just in case he pops into the Pinnacle.
What is your most treasured possession? My mother gave me a necklace of Saint Anthony before she died. He’s the Patron Saint of Lost Things. I’ve always been very good at finding things, you see. A blessing and a curse. I almost never take it off, only when it clashes terribly with an outfit.
If your life is made into a movie, is it a comedy or drama? Who plays you? Oh, definitely a comedy, darling! Marilyn Monroe would be perfect to step into my shoes.
What is your favorite movie? TV show? I have two favorite movies! The first is Gentlemen Prefer Blondes. Marilyn Monroe is so glamorous! And Jane Russell is so elegant. I loved watching the two of them together. My second favorite movie is Sabrina, with Audrey Hepburn. The outfits in that movie are stunning! As for TV, I never miss an episode of Dragnet. That Joe Friday is the ginchiest!
What is your favorite song, and why? This changes frequently! Right now, I’ve been enjoying Elvis’ Hard Headed Woman, for what are probably obvious reasons, to anyone who knows me.
What did you eat for breakfast? Did you make it yourself? Today, like most days, I had a freshly baked croissant and an espresso from the Pinnacle’s café. It’s in the lobby, so I can watch our guests while I read the paper. I do make a mean omelet, however, if I say so myself!
Describe your perfect day. I have breakfast in the Pinnacle café and read the day’s newspaper while watching guests mingle in the lobby. I take my dog, Presley, for a walk with my boyfriend, Mac, across the street in Central Park. When we return, I change into an adorable tennis outfit and have lessons with the Pinnacle’s instructor. After that, I pick up my dog and go to the salon and we are both freshly shampoo-ed and manicured. Lunch comes next, sometimes this is salad, and sometimes this is a cheeseburger from the diner. I’ll change into a bathing suit, grab an Agatha Christie book, and have a drink by the rooftop pool. I do not get in the pool, of course, I was just freshly shampooed and manicured. I head back to my suite and change for the final time that day – as long as we aren’t counting pajamas – to attend whatever event is being held in one of the Pinnacle’s ball rooms. Lately, I’ve been the one planning the events, so there hasn’t been much lounging around or tennis, actually. It’s been a lot of detail-oriented work and making sure everything is in its place before the bride or mayor elect arrives. But you said perfect day, and in my perfect day, I don’t work. Dead bodies don’t turn up in hallways or garages either, but, alas, we must all play the cards that life deals us.
About S. K. Golden
S. K. Golden is the author of the Pinnacle Hotel cozy mystery series. Born and raised in the Florida Keys, she married a commercial fisherman. The two of them still live on the islands with their five kids (one boy, four girls — including identical twins!), two cats, and a corgi named Goku. Sarah graduated from Saint Leo University with a bachelor’s degree in Human Services and Administration and has put it to good use approximately zero times. She’s worked as a bank teller, a pharmacy technician, and an executive assistant at her father’s church. Sarah is delighted to be doing none of those things now. Follow her across all platforms @skgoldenwrites.
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