Monday, May 1, 2017

Murder Between the Lines by Radha Vatsal | A Solve-the-Mystery Blog Tour

The White House Wedding

A Solve-the-Mystery Blog Tour by Radha Vatsal

At 8:30 PM on Saturday, December 1915, President Woodrow Wilson married Mrs. Edith Bolling Galt. The new Mrs. Wilson would go on to become one of the 20th Century’s most powerful first ladies and shepherd the United States through turbulent times. 

 In the course of this week-long blog tour, I describe four different aspects of their wedding plan: The Location, Guest List and Attendants, Ceremony and Officiants, Dress and Flowers. The wedding went off as arranged, except for one significant last-minute change — which provides an insight into the future First Lady’s personality. 

Your mission is to guess what changed and why. The answer will be revealed in the final blog post. 

For more on the president and Edith Bolling/Wilson’s relationship, see the Introduction on Katherine’s Chronicle


My clue, #2, will be posted tomorrow, May 2.

Please come back, and play along.

Can you solve the mystery?